INSTALLING SEA-BIRD SOFTWARE 1. Insert the CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive. 2. Windows Software Open Windows Explorer and navigate to your CD-ROM drive: A. (all instruments except SBE 26, 26plus, and 53) Double click on Seasoft-Win32_*.exe. The application will guide you through the installation process. B. (SBE 26, 26plus, and 53) Double click on SeatermW_V*_**.exe. The application will guide you through the installation process. 3. DOS Software A. (all instruments except SBE 26) Copy seasoft.dos to the desired location on your hard drive. In a DOS window, run SINSTALL.bat to install the software. B. (SBE 26) Copy sswaves.dos to the desired location on your hard drive. In a DOS window, run SETUP26.bat to install the software. NOTE: DOS software cannot be used with the SBE 16plus, 16plus-IM, 19plus, 25plus, 26plus, 45, 49, 50, 53, 54, or other instruments developed since approximately 2001. Use the Windows software for these instruments. INSTALLING INSTRUMENT-SPECIFIC FILES 1. Insert the CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive. 2. Copy the instrument-specific files to the directory where you plan to store your instrument's data. Instrument-specific files include, as applicable: .cal, .con, and .pdf file. CD CONTENTS 1. Adobe Acrobat directory Free software needed to open .pdf files (job-specific manual as well as manuals and other documentation on our website). 2. ProgSoftware directory --Only for instruments that store calibration coefficients internally. Prog**.exe – DOS program to reload calibration coefficients into an instrument, if coefficients were inadvertently deleted or changed. There are many versions of this program, depending on instrument type. Contact Sea-Bird if you need to use this. Prog11v2 SBE 11plus V2 deck units with V2 electronics. Programs coefficients through Remote Out connector. Prog16im SBE 16plus-IM. Prog35 SBE 35 and 35RT with firmware version 2.0 and higher. Prog37 – RS-232 versions of SBE 37-SM, 37-SMP, 37-SI, and 37-SIP. SBE 37-SM and 37-SMP firmware version 2.1 and higher; SBE 37-SI and 37-SIP firmware version 2.2 and higher. Prog37im SBE 37-IM and 37-IMP, firmware version 2.1 and higher. Prog37imo SBE 37-IM, firmware version less than 2.1. Prog37o – RS-232 versions of SBE 37-SM and 37-SI. SBE 37-SM firmware version less than 2.1; SBE 37-SI firmware version less than 2.2. Prog38 SBE 38. Prog39 SBE 39 with pressure sensor. Prog39T SBE 39 without pressure sensor. Prog47 – SBE 47. Prog48 SBE 48. Prog485 – RS-485 versions of SBE 37-SM, 37-SMP, 37-SI, and 37-SIP; firmware version 2.1 or greater. Prog485o – RS-485 versions of SBE 37-SM and 37-SI; firmware version less than 2.1. Prog49 SBE 49. Prog50 SBE 50. Progscp SBE 16plus and 19plus. 3. seasoft.dos directory – SEASOFT-DOS software package, which includes software for communication, real-time data acquisition, and data analysis and display. 4. sswaves.dos directory SEASOFT for Waves - DOS software package for SBE 26 (not 26plus) Wave and Tide Recorder, which provides pre-deployment planning, setup and data retrieval, separation of uploaded data into separate wave and tide files, plotting, auto-spectrum, time series analysis, and statistics reporting. 5. Website directory Our entire website for off-line reference. Double click on index.htm to access the website home page; the off-line home page will open in your Internet browser (such as Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator). 6. CDContentsAndInstallation.txt and CDContentsAndInstallation.pdf – a file containing this text (same information in both files). 7. Instrument-specific files: A. (only for instruments that store calibration coefficients internally) Calibration (.cal) file, which defines the calibration coefficients. The .cal file is used with Prog**.exe to reload coefficients into the instrument if they were inadvertently deleted or changed. Contact Sea-Bird if you need to use this file. The file is named ****.cal, where **** is the instrument serial number. For example, for an instrument with serial number 2375, we name the file You may rename the .cal file if desired. B. (only for configurable instruments -- SBE 9/9plus, 16/16plus, 19/19plus, 21, 25, 31, 45, and 49) Configuration (.con) file, which defines the instrument configuration and calibration coefficients. The .con file is needed by SEASAVE for real-time data acquisition and by SBE Data Processing for post-processing of the data. The file is named ****.con, where **** is the instrument serial number. For example, for an instrument with serial number 2375, we name the file 2375.con. You may rename the .con file if desired. NOTE: A copy of the .con file is also included on a floppy disk that ships with the instrument. C. Manual Job-specific manual(s) in Adobe Acrobat .pdf form. This includes the generic instrument manual as well as instrument configuration, calibration coefficients, schematics, pressure test certificates, application notes, etc. specific to your instrument. The manual is named manual-xx-****.pdf, where xx is the instrument type and **** is the instrument serial number. For example, for an SBE 19plus with serial number 2375, we name the file manual-19p-2375.pdf. NOTE: Sea-Bird creates 1 CD-ROM per system. For example, if you ordered an SBE 19plus CTD with an SBE 33 Deck Unit and SBE 32 Carousel Water Sampler, the CD-ROM contains job-specific manuals for the 19plus, 33, and 32. The CD-ROM is typically packed with the CTD, if a CTD is part of the order. 8. (Only for SBE 16plus, 19plus, and 49) LOADSCP.exe program to reload calibration coefficients into a .con file, if the .con file was inadvertently deleted or changed. Contact Sea-Bird if you need to use this program. 9. SBE Battery Budget Calculator_V*_*.xls – Battery and memory budget calculator for moored instruments. To use, must have Microsoft Excel installed on computer. 10. sbe.ico -- graphic used by our software installation program (for Windows software). 11. SbeDataProcessing_*HighRes.pdf – SBE Data Processing manual in Adobe Acrobat .pdf format. 12. Seasave_7.*HighRes.pdf – SEASAVE V7 manual in Adobe Acrobat .pdf format. 13. Seasave_*HighRes.pdf – SEASAVE-Win32 manual in Adobe Acrobat .pdf format. 14. Seasoft-Win32*.exe -- Win 2000/XP software package, which includes software for communication, real-time data acquisition, and data analysis and display. SEASOFT-Win32 includes the following stand-alone programs (install any or all of these): A. SEATERM (terminal program for communication with most of our instruments) B. SeatermAF (terminal program for SBE 17plus V2, Auto Fire Module, and SBE 55 ECO Water Sampler) C. Seaterm54 (terminal program for SBE 54 and PN 90588) D. SEASAVE V7 (improved real-time data acquisition and display program; we recommend using SEASAVE V7 instead of the older SEASAVE [item E below]) E. SEASAVE (real-time data acquisition and display program) F. SBE Data Processing (data processing program) G. Plot39 (plotting program for SBE 39 data) 15. SeasoftWaves_V*_**.exe -- Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP software for SBE 26 and 26plus Wave and Tide Recorder, and SBE 53 BPR Bottom Pressure Recorder, which provides pre-deployment planning, setup and data retrieval, separation of uploaded data into separate wave and tide files, plotting, auto-spectrum, time series analysis, and statistics reporting.