Sound Ocean Systems, Inc. (SOSI)


As a service to our many customers who may be interested in a small electric winch for use with SEACATs and SEALOGGERs, Sea-Bird is happy to present information about the new SOSI winch.

The winch, pictured below, was designed specifically to meet a US Navy specification for mine warfare ships deploying SEACAT Profilers. Sound Ocean Systems is interested in using major design elements of this winch (and economies of scale offered via the Navy contract), and combining other features that will make this winch more universally applicable to the research fleet. To the extent that this will benefit our customers, we are attempting to facilitate user involvement with SOSI in developing a small, high quality, off-the-shelf instrument winch. Contact SOSI for more information.

Sound Ocean Systems, Inc.
PO Box 2978
Redmond, Washington 98073-2978

Telephone: 425/869-1834
FAX: 425/869-5554

Winch photos below...

CTD-110 Winch






















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Last modified: 30-Mar-2005

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