README FILE FOR BERING STRAIT MOORING DATA October 2015 ============================================================================= 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567 Bering Strait Moorings 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 This is an archive of data from moorings deployed in the US waters of the Bering Strait from summer 2011 to summer 2013 (with mooring servicing in summer 2012). Mooring deployments were funded by the NSF Arctic Observing Network (AON) award ARC-0855748 (PIs: Woodgate, Weingartner, Whitledge and Lindsay) with shiptime support from the NOAA RUSALCA (Russian-US Long Term Census of the Arctic) program. The mooring work required 3 dedicated cruises: - in 2011 (12th - 23rd July), a ~ 12 day cruise on the Russian vessel Khromov (also called the Spirit of Enderby) deployed the moorings. Some CTD sections were run on this cruise, and those data are archived separately. - in 2012 (10th - 20th July), a ~ 11 day cruise on the Russian vessel Khromov (also called the Spirit of Enderby) recovered and redeployed the moorings. Some CTD sections were run on this cruise, and those data are archived separately. - in 2013 (3rd - 10th July), a ~ 8 day cruise on the US vessel Norseman2 recovered the moorings. Some CTD sections were run on this cruise, and those data are archived separately. (Note that this cruise also redeployed a subest of the moorings, under ONR funding.) For 2011 to 2012, a total of 8 moorings were deployed: - 7 moorings (D1, A2W, A2E, A2, A4W, A4, A5) in the US channel of the strait, - 1 mooring (A3) at a site just north of the strait. For 2012 to 2013, a subset (5) of these 8 moorings were redeployed: - 4 moorings (A2W, A2, A4W, A4) in the US channel of the strait, - 1 mooring (A3) at a site just north of the strait. In what follows, mooring names include a two digit suffix to represent year of deployment. Sites A1, A2, and A3 were established in 1990. A2 and A3 have been occupied almost continuously (all years except 96-97) since then. A1 was occupied for a few years from 1990,(90-91, 92-94) and then again since 2004. Site A4 was established in 2001. Sites A2W and A4W were established in 2007. Sites D1, A2E and A5 were established in 2011 and have only been deployed once so far. Mooring location A2 is in the middle of the eastern (Alaskan side) channel. Mooring location A3 is just north of the strait, immediately east of the Russian-US EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone) line. Experience has shown that site A3 samples both eastern and western channel water. Mooring location A4 is close to the Alaskan coast and allows measurement of the Alaska Coastal Current. Mooring location D1 was designed to investigate the eddying zone north of the Diomede islands. The other mooring locations in the US channel of the strait (A2W, A2E A4W and A5) were designed to resolve the cross-strait structure. To the best of our knowledge, no moorings were deployed in the Russian channel for this time frame. Note however that 3 moorings deployed in the Russian channel in 2010 were not recovered until summer 2012. Some instruments on those moorings lasted longer than 1 year and thus there is some data overlap with data archived here. For an overview of previous and on-going Bering Strait mooring work, please see Moorings carry a variety of instruments, listed in the table below. All records are year-round, sampling hourly or more frequently (Time Int. in table below). Data from instruments marked with * are not included in this archive. For access to these data, please contact the named PI in list below table. 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Deployed Latitude Longitude Instrument S/N Time Inst. Water in Year (N) (W) Int. Depth Depth -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A3-11 2011 66 19.59 168 57.50 ISCAT 7110 NR 15m 57m ISCAT-Logger 24 30min ... 57m 300kHz-ADCP 7695 30min 44m 57m SBE37 Microcat 5361 15min 44m 57m SAMI pH* P0029 - 46m 57m SAMI pCO2* 16 - 46m 57m SeaPhOx* N/A - 46m 57m AanderaaOx* 1488 - 46m 57m SBE37 Microcat*7156 - 46m 57m SBE16woptic 4639 60min 48m 57m ISUS* 124 - 48m 57m AURAL* 130 - 50m 57m D1-11 2011 65 52.17 168 56.81 AARIVector2* 05 - 36m 46m RCM9 636 60min 38m 46m SBE37 Microcat 4510 15min 39m 46m AURAL* 128 - 41m 46m A2W-11 2011 65 48.02 168 48.06 ISCAT 6964 NR 17m 53m ISCAT-Logger 2 30min ... 53m 300kHz-ADCP 9396 30min 44m 53m SBE16 1224 60min 47m 53m FLTUSBWetlabs* 1261 - 47m 53m AURAL* 129 - 47m 53m SBE26p-BPG 1135 30min 51m 53m A2-11 2011 65 46.87 168 34.07 ISCAT 5468 NR 18m 56m ISCAT-Logger 4 30min ... 56m 300kHz-ADCP 2332 30min 45m 56m SBE16woptic 4604 60min 49m 56m ISUS* 017 - 49m 56m A2E-11 2011 65 46.25 168 28.06 ISCAT 7111 NR 17m 56m ISCAT-Logger 6 30min ... 56m 300kHz-ADCP 7967 30min 47m 56m SBE37 Microcat 5826 15min 47m 56m A4W-11 2011 65 45.42 168 21.95 ISCAT 7112 NR 18m 54m ISCAT-Logger 3 30min ... 54m 300kHz-ADCP 13756 ND 42m 54m SBE16 1698 60min 45m 54m A4-11 2011 65 44.76 168 15.77 ISCAT 5591 5min 17m 49m ISCAT-Logger 1 30min ... 49m 300kHz-ADCP 9397 30min 38m 49m SBE16 1700 60min 41m 49m FLTUSBWetlabs* 1260 - 41m 49m SBE26p-BPG 1134 30min 47m 49m A5-11 2011 65 44.40 168 11.08 RCM9T 1173 60min 37m 44m SBE16 0005 60min 39m 44m -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A3-12 2012 66 19.61 168 57.05 ISCAT 7622 NR 15m 57m ISCAT-Logger 22 30min ... 57m 600kHz-ADCP 10637 30min 44m 57m SBE37 Microcat 1430 30min 44m 57m SAMI pH* P0065 - 46m 57m SAMI pCO2* C0044 - 46m 57m SBE37 Microcat*2316 - 46m 57m SBE16woptic 1559 60min 48m 57m FLTUSBWetlabs* 935 - 48m 57m ISUS* 98 - 48m 57m AURAL* 128 - 50m 57m SBE26p-BPG 1134 30min 55m 57m A2W-12 2012 65 48.03 168 48.06 ISCAT 5471 5min 19m 53m ISCAT-Logger 26 30min ... 53m 300kHz-ADCP 12845 30min 44m 53m SBE16 1935 60min 48m 53m AURAL* 130 - 48m 53m SBE26p-BPG 1175 30min 51m 53m A2-12 2012 65 46.86 168 34.07 ISCAT 8964 5min 20m 55m ISCAT-Logger 23 30min ... 55m 300kHz-ADCP 1495 30min 44m 55m SBE16woptic 4973 60min 48m 55m ISUS* 88 - 48m 55m A4W-12 2012 65 45.42 168 21.95 ISCAT 5472 5min 18m 54m ISCAT-Logger 7 30min ... 54m 300kHz-ADCP 10926 30min 42m 54m SBE16 2341 60min 45m 54m AURAL* 227 - 48m 54m A4-12 2012 65 44.75 168 15.77 ISCAT 5430 NR 16m 48m ISCAT-Logger 27 30min ... 48m 300kHz-ADCP 2269 30/60min 37m 48m SBE16 0008 ND 40m 48m FLTUSBWetlabs* 932 - 40m 48m SBE26p-BPG 1333 30min 46m 48m -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depths are estimated from mooring design and pressure sensors where available, and are good to 1-2m. NR=instrument not recovered ND=No data Instruments with data included here: ISCAT - SBE37IM in ice resistant float, telemetering data inductively to a Logger below (system developed at APL-UW) 300KHz-ADCP - 300kHz RDI/Teledyne Workhorse Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler 600KHz-ADCP - 600kHz RDI/Teledyne Workhorse Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler SBE37 Microcat - Seabird SBE 37 Temperature Salinity Pressure recorder SBE16 - Seabird SBE 16 Temperature Salinity Pressure recorder SBE16woptic - Seabird SBE16plus with optical data (including some or all of fluorescence, turbidity, transmissivity and PAR) - see headers SBE26p-BPG - Seabird SBE26plus Bottom Pressure Gauge RCM9T - Aanderaa RCM9 acoustic current meter with turbidity sensor RCM9 - Aanderaa RCM9 acoustic current meter Instruments with data not included here: ISUS - ISUS Nitrate sensor, PI: Terry Whitledge, UAF AURAL M2* - Aural Marine Mammal Acoustic Recorder, PI: Kate Stafford, UW FLTUSBWetlabs - Wetlabs self-contained Fluoresence/Turbidity instrument, PI: Rebecca Woodgate, UW SAMI pH, SAMI pCO2, SeaPHox, AanderaaOx - for measurements related to Ocean Acidification (see cruise report). PI: Fred Prahl, OSU. AARIVector2 - Current meter from AARI (Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, Russia), PI: Igor Lavrenov, AARI Each data file contains the data from one instrument-year - the listed year in the mooring name is the year in which the mooring was deployed. Optics data from the RCM and SBE instruments are included in this archive, although only minimal quality control of the data has been performed. The SBE16plus BPG also recorded wave burst data - this may be extracted from the .hex files included in this archive, but has not been processed here. For RCMs and SBEs, calibrated data are recorded in one file per instrument per year, with naming convention: BeringStrait_yyyy_ID_III_#####.ttt yyyy=Deployment year; ID=mooring ID; III=instrument type; #####=serial number; ttt=indicates calibration, with .pre=pre-deployment calibration used, .ppp=pre and post deployment calibrations merged. The SBE-16 and 26 hexidecimal files (unaltered from the download) are also included, indicated by extension .hex or .asc For the ADCPs, there are multiple files per instrument. BeringStrait_yyyy__ID_#####ADCPraw.000 = Binary download from the ADCP BeringStrait_yyyy__ID_#####_ADCPdeploytests.txt = pre deployment tests BeringStrait_yyyy__ID_#####_ADCPrecoverytest.txt = post deployment tests The remainder are ASCII conversions of the data, corrected for clock drift and magnetic declination. BeringStrait_yyyy__ID_#####.btm = ASCII bottom track data (including ice range and velocity) BeringStrait_yyyy__ID_#####.ins = ASCII instrument data (e.g. heading, pitch, roll, temperature) BeringStrait_yyyy__ID_#####_bin01.rdat = ASCII water velocity data in Bin 1 BeringStrait_yyyy__ID_#####.bin02.rdat = ASCII water velocity data in Bin 2 etc. (Bin depths are given in the data files) As per notes below, some ADCPs wrote multiple files, sometimes with different settings. These data are in separate directories, as described below. Header information is included in each data file. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- For details of the measurements and their interpretation, please see: Roach, A.T., K. Aagaard, C. H. Pease, S.A. Salo, T. Weingartner, V. Pavlov, and M. Kulakov (1995) Direct measurements of transport and water properties through Bering Strait, J. Geophys. Res., 100, 18,443-18,457. Woodgate, R.A., and K. Aagaard (2005) Revising the Bering Strait freshwater flux into the Arctic Ocean, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L02602, doi:10.1029/2004GL021747. Woodgate, R.A., K. Aagaard, and T. Weingartner (2005) Monthly temperature, salinity, and transport variability of the Bering Strait throughflow, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, No. 4, L04601, doi:10.1029/2004GL021880. Woodgate, R. A., K. Aagaard, and T. J. Weingartner (2005) A year in the physical oceanography of the Chukchi Sea: Moored measurements from autumn 1990-1991,Deep-Sea Res., Part II, 52, 3116-3149, doi: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2005.10.016. Woodgate, R. A., K. Aagaard, and T. J. Weingartner (2006) Interannual changes in the Bering Strait fluxes of volume, heat and freshwater between 1991 and 2004, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L15609, doi:10.1029/2006GL026931. Aagaard, K., T.J.Weingartner, S.L. Danielson, R.A. Woodgate, G.C.Johnson, T.E.Whitledge (2006), Some controls on flow and salinity in Bering Strait, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L19602, doi:10.1029/2006GL026612. Woodgate, R. A., T. Weingartner, and R. Lindsay (2010), The 2007 Bering Strait oceanic heat flux and anomalous Arctic sea-ice retreat, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L01602, doi:10.1029/2009GL041621. Woodgate, R.A., T. Weingartner, and R. Lindsay (2012), Observed increases in Bering Strait oceanic fluxes from the Pacific to the Arctic from 2001 to 2011 and their impacts on the Arctic Ocean water column, Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, L24603, doi:10.1029/2012GL054092. For an overview, please see: For queries, please contact: Rebecca Woodgate (206) 221-3268 Polar Science Center, Applied Physics Lab, University of Washington 1013 NE 40th, Seattle, WA 98105-6698 USA FAX (206) 543-6785 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Meta data ========= 1) Platform: Subsurface oceanographic moorings 2) Project title: Bering Strait 3) Data collection dates: summer 2011 to summer 2013 4) PI: Rebecca Woodgate ( Tom Weingartner ( 5) Data collection method: Year-round moorings carrying - Aanderaa recording current meters (RCM) - Sea-Bird temperature/conductivity and pressure recorders (SBE) - RDI 300kHz Workhorse Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCP) - RDI 600kHz Workhorse Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCP) - APL data loggers for inductive data from ISCAT system 6) Data calibration method: Unless noted otherwise in the header on each data file, timestamps have been corrected for observed instrument clock drift. All times are given in GMT. For RCMs and SBEs, calibration coefficients are given in header file. RCMs: - Predeployment calibrated by the manufacturer (Aanderaa) - pre-calibration used for data reduction. - direction corrected to true north, magnetic declination used is cited in the header - RCM9 data has been corrected for the temperature/pressure variability of the speed of sound using temperature data from the RCM SBEs: - Generally pre and post calibrated by the manufacturer (indicated by suffix .ppp) - pre and post calibrations linearly time-weighted through the deployment. - .pre suffix indicates only pre-cruise calibration used ADCPS: Tested by APL/UAF/manufacturer pre deployment. - A2W, A2, A4W, A4 compasses calibrated as per manufacturer's specifications in Seattle prior to deployment. Estimated compass error is included in the header file - A2E and A3 ADCPs may have batteries exchanged at sea and thus compass calibration may be poor - see headers - where available, at sea compass check also included in header file - direction corrected to true north, magnetic declination used is cited in the header. - data requiring speed of sound in water is corrected by the ADCP using the water temperature measured by the ADCP. - intensity of returned signals is not specially calibrated. 7) Instrumentation used: (see table for sampling frequencies) Aanderaa current meters RCM-9 (one with optics sensor) Sea-Bird SBE26plus recorders Sea-Bird SBE16 recorders Sea-Bird SBE16plus recorders with optics sensors Sea-Bird SBE37 recorders ISCAT loggers (SBE37 Microcat logging data to an APL-Logger) RDI 300kHz and 600 kHz Workhorse ADCP - bin size 2m or 4m 8) Quality control procedures: Quality control provided by Rebecca Woodgate. RCM-9 measurements of water velocity depend on the speed of sound in water. The manufacturer's default is to assume a sound speed of 1500 m/s. In data processing, we use RCM temperature and mooring information of instrument depth to obtain a more accurate speed of sound at the RCM during deployment, and thus recompute the water velocity (Cor Speed). SBE optical data is not quality controlled and should be treated with caution. ADCP data rely on ADCP internal temperature for speed of sound corrections. ADCP Data files are included for all bins up to the surface although bins near the surface contain much larger errors (likely due to surface effects) and should be treated with caution. 9) Data format: RCM and SBE data - ASCII, format given in individual headers (uncalibrated "hex" data also included for SBE16s and SBE26p) ADCP data - 2 formats: a) BINARY download file from ADCP and b) ASCII conversion of these files (in 2m bins) 10) Data collection problems: By Mooring: - the 2011-2013 moorings were often biofouled on recovery. Optics data is likely contaminated by this biofouling and should be treated with caution. Photographic documentation of biofouling on recovery is available via cruise reports, included here and on the Bering Strait website: By Instrument: === ISCATS (Loggers and SBE37s) A311 - SBE37 7110 - lost Feb 2012 - unclear if poisoned during deployment - Logger 24 - ok A2W11 - SBE37 6964 - lost Apr 2012 - unclear if poisoned during deployment - Logger 2 - ok A211 - SBE37 5468 - lost March 2012 - unclear if poisoned during deployment - Logger 4 - ok A2E11 - SBE37 7111 - lost Feb 2012 - was poisoned during deployment - Logger 6 - ok A4W11 - SBE37 7112 - lost Mar 2012 - appears to be 1m drift in pressure sensor - unclear if poisoned during deployment - Logger 3 - some data-time glitches, see header A411 - SBE37 5591 - instrument recovered, but with only the lower of the 2 floats of the iscat floatation package. - post-pre salinity change is ~ 0.009psu - was poisoned during deployment - Logger 1 - came unplugged in October 2011, (data not included here) -------------- A312 - SBE37 7622 - lost March 2013 - Logger 22 - missing data records interpolated A2W12 - SBE37 5471 - instrument recovered - post-pre salinity change is ~ 0.03psu - Logger 26 - data not processed A212 - SBE37 8964 - instrument recovered - post-pre salinity change is ~ 0.03psu - Logger 23 - data not processed A4W12 - SBE37 5472 instrument recovered - post-pre salinity change is ~ 0.07psu - Logger 7 - data good only till May, and also bad data records A412 - SBE37 5430 - lost October 2012 - Logger 27 - missing data records interpolated === RCMs D111_rcm636 - heavy biofouling, but data ok - tilt and signal strength only nominally calibrated A511_rcm1173 - very heavy biofouling, probably degrading turbidity data - tilt and signal strength only nominally calibrated === ADCPs Note that ADCP range measurements are not corrected for pitch and roll. For full discussion and correction, see: Woodgate and Holroyd, 2011, included in archive. A311_adcp7695 - unknown compass calibration before deployment. At sea tests suggest errors may be ~ 7 deg. - data good to ~ bin 15 (~ 12m) A2W11_adcp9396 - restarted itself before deployment, but data ok - large velocity errors in bin 1 - data good to ~ bin 15 (~ 12m) A211_adcp2332 - large velocity errors in bin 1 - data good to ~ bin 15 (~ 13m) A2E11_adcp7967 - unknown compass calibration before deployment. At sea tests suggest errors may be ~ 4 deg. - data good to ~ bin 16 (~ 13m) A4W11_adcp13756 - took data for only 4 days, then failed. No data processed but raw data for those days included in the archive A411_adcp9397 - large velocity errors in bin 1 - data good to ~ bin 12 (~12m) ------------ A312_adcp10637 (600kHz) - unknown compass calibration before deployment. At sea tests suggest errors may be ~ 3 deg. - data good to ~ bin 16/17 (~10-8m) A2W12_adcp12845 - large velocity errors in bin 1 - significant velocity errors also in bins 4/5, 9/10 - data good to ~ bin 17-19 (~8-4m) A212_adcp1495 - required power to download, but data ok - large velocity errors in bin 1 - significant velocity errors also in bins 5, 10 - data good to ~ bin 17-19 (~8-4m) A4W12_adcp10926 - large velocity errors in bin 1 - data good to ~ bin 16 (~8m) A412_adcp2269 - ran until 22nd Nov, and then restarted with a factory default plan, and factory compass. Data file split into 2 parts. Part 1 - has original settings (as per other ADCPs) - large velocity errors in bin 1 - significant velocity errors also in bins 8/9 - data good to ~ bin 14/15 (~7-5m) Part 2 - has 4m bins, fewer pings, and factory compass calibration (test suggest compass error ~ 6deg), and no bottom tracking. - data good to bin 7/8 (7-3m) === SBE16 (no optics) A2W11_1224 - cell clear on recovery - 2 periods where salinity is ~ 1psu too low, likely due to temporarily clogged cell - 0.03 psu salinity different pre-post calibrations A4W11_1698 - cell clear on recovery - 0.03 psu salinity different pre-post calibrations A411_1700 - cell clear on recovery, even though deployed without poison - 0.008 psu salinity different pre-post calibrations A511_0005 - cell clear on recovery - 0.02 psu salinity different pre-post calibrations - Temperature post calibration not available as probe broke before post-cruise calibration ----------- A2W12_1935 - cell clear on recovery - 0.03 psu salinity different pre-post calibrations A4W12_2341 - cell clear on recovery - 0.05 psu salinity different pre-post calibrations - 5 temperature spikes removed by interpolation A412_0008 - instrument unable to communicate on recovery. Seabird report failure of communcations board. No data recovered. === SBE16Plus (with optics) Note - none of optics data is quality controlled. Uncalibrated (.hex) files included in archive A311_4639 - with biowiper - instrument deployed horizontally (perhaps trapping sediment in cell and degrading data). - comparison with other TS instruments on the mooring show the salinity data to be compromised, and thus, since another source of TS data is available, only .hex file included here. A211_4604 - with Fluoresence and Transmissivity - instrument deployed horizontally (perhaps trapping sediment in cell and degrading data). - pre-deployment calibration only available. - Note that post-calibrations on other SBE16s in the strait suggest salinity sensor drift during a one year deployment of between 0.02 and 0.1psu. -------------- A312_1559 - with Fluoresence and Transmissivity - instrument deployed horizontally (perhaps trapping sediment in cell and degrading data). - thus, since another source of TS data is available, only .hex file included here. A212_4973 - with Fluoresence and PAR - instrument deployed horizontally (perhaps trapping sediment in cell and degrading data). - pre-deployment calibration only available. - Note that post-calibrations on other SBE16s in the strait suggest salinity sensor drift during a one year deployment of between 0.02 and 0.1psu. - pressure data also bad at end of deployment === SBE37s (non-ISCAT) A311_5361 - pre-deployment calibration only available. - Note that post-calibrations on other SBE16s in the strait suggest salinity sensor drift during a one year deployment of between 0.02 and 0.1psu. A311_7156 - instrument deployed horizontally and unpumped, and cell badly clogged by recovery. - comparison with other TS instruments on the mooring show the salinity data to be compromised, and thus, since another source of TS data is available, only .hex file included here. D111_4510 - turned around at sea after 1-year deployment, and pre-deployment calibration only available. - Post-calibrations on other SBE16s in the strait suggest salinity sensor drift during a one year deployment of between 0.02 and 0.1psu, thus record couldbe 0.04-0.2psu wrong. A2E11_5826 - pre-deployment calibration only available. - Note that post-calibrations on other SBE16s in the strait suggest salinity sensor drift during a one year deployment of between 0.02 and 0.1psu. --------- A312_1430 - pre-deployment calibration only available. - Note that post-calibrations on other SBE16s in the strait suggest salinity sensor drift during a one year deployment of between 0.02 and 0.1psu. A312_2316 - instrument deployed horizontally and unpumped, and cell badly clogged by recovery. - comparison with other TS instruments on the mooring show the salinity data to be compromised (3psu too fresh) - post cruise calibration shows salinity change of 0.6psu - pressure sensor drift by ~ 2m also - thus, since another source of TS data is available, only .hex file included here. === SBE26p (Bottom Pressure Gauge and Wave Recorder) All data interpolated between pre and post calibrations. - .hex files contain unprocessed wave burst data A2W11_1135 - converted pressure data show no obvious problems A411_1134 - converted pressure data show no obvious problems A2W11_1175 - converted pressure data show no obvious problems ---- A411_1333 - short record, only to April 2013 - converted pressure data show no obvious problems A311_1134 - turned around at sea from A411 - converted pressure data show no obvious problems 11) Other related data sets: This data set is a continuation of mooring measurements made in the Bering Strait almost continuously since 1990. Mooring data have already been archived via the SBI project, managed by JOSS/EOS, and at NODC. For details see Since 2000, CTD sections have been run in the Bering Strait on the mooring cruises. This data is also accessible via the http links above. 12) Conditions for use or citation: Data freely available Please, as a courtesy, contact the PIs before using these data 13) Data qualifications or warnings: See also Data collection problems. The temperature (T) and conductivity (C) recorded by a RCM are significantly less accurate than those recorded by a SBE. In most instances, a SBE was located very close to a RCM, so that the former would provide the record of choice for T and C even when the RCM measured both parameters. For data issues relevant to a specific deployment, see the individual headers. In general: RCM data: Standard Aanderaa limitations apply - estimated accuracy 2 cm/s in speed, 5 deg in direction, 0.05 deg C in temperature, >= 0.01 S/m in conductivity (corresponds to >= 0.2 psu in salinity). SBE data: Standard Sea-Bird limitations apply - estimated accuracy 0.02 deg C, 0.0012 S/m (corresponding to 0.02 psu), and < 1 db. - see header files for difference between pre and post calibration which are usually 0.03 psu or greater. - Note that post-calibrations on the SBE16s suggests salinity sensor drift during deployment of between 0.02 and 0.1psu, and this should be considered if post calibrations are not available - Note also that clogging of the salinity cell during deployment will not be captured by the post calibration and thus generally ends of records should be suspected for anomalously low salinities, especially if the SBE is not mounted vertical. SBE26plus data: Standard Sea-Bird limitation apply - estimated accuracy 0.01 deg C, 0.01% of full scale (for these deployments, range 60db, thus accuracy 0.006db) ADCP data: Standard RDI limitations apply - estimated accuracy ~ 0.5 cm/s for water velocities (~100 pings per ensemble) Estimated errors (given in the files) vary with bin and time ~ 1 cm/s for ice velocities (2 or 5 pings per ensemble) Estimated errors (given in the files) vary with time ~ 1 deg in direction (see header files) Range to ice - accurate to 1% of range to surface (i.e. ~ 0.4 m) ~ 0.4 deg C in temperature Note that ADCP range measurements are not corrected for pitch and roll. For full discussion and correction, see: Woodgate and Holroyd, 2011, included in archive. Optical Sensor Data: These unmodified records are included, although no quality control of the data has been performed, as noted in the header files. This leaves final judgments about record quality to the user. 14) Grant numbers: Mooring sponsorship came from - NSF Polar Programs Arctic Observing Network ARC-0855748 (PIs: Woodgate, Weingartner, Whitledge and Lindsay) with shiptime support from - NOAA Arctic Research RUSALCA - Russian-US Longterm Census of the Arctic: 15) Sample repository locations: National Ocean Data Center ( University of Washington ( ============================================================================== FILE LISTING ============= Total number of files: Main directory: 371 files and 13 subdirectories Size Name (kb) ---- ---- = Metadata file (1 file) 56 Bering_Strait_Moorings_AON2011-2013_ReadMe.txt = Cruise reports (3 files) and 1 technical note (1 file) 7076 Khromov2011CruiseReportwithEL_Oct2011.pdf 8932 Khromov2012CruiseReport_vers6thFeb2015.pdf 6676 BeringStrait2013CruiseReport_Norseman2_3rdAug2013_wEL.pdf 1812 WoodgateandHolroyd2011_BTrangeCorrection.pdf = ISCAT data from 11 ISCAT instruments 2011: - 6 Iscats, comprising of - 5 logger files (ICLog_xxxx.pre) - 1 IC SBE37 file, combining pre and post cruise calibrations, .ppp - with corresponding raw SBE37 file (.asc) 2012: - 5 Iscats, comprising of - 2 logger files (ICLog_xxxx.pre) - 3 IC SBE37 files, combining pre and post cruise calibrations, .ppp with corresponding raw SBE37 files (.asc) 852 BeringStrait_2011_A2E_ICLog06_7111.pre 1060 BeringStrait_2011_A2W_ICLog02_6964.pre 928 BeringStrait_2011_A2_ICLog04_5468.pre 788 BeringStrait_2011_A3_ICLog24_7110.pre 936 BeringStrait_2011_A4W_ICLog03_7112.pre 8828 BeringStrait_2011_A4_ICsbe37_5591.ppp 5608 BeringStrait_2011_A4_ICsbe37_5591raw.asc 8672 BeringStrait_2012_A2W_ICsbe37_5471.ppp 5508 BeringStrait_2012_A2W_ICsbe37_5471raw.asc 8668 BeringStrait_2012_A2_ICsbe37_8964.ppp 5388 BeringStrait_2012_A2_ICsbe37_8964raw.asc 8672 BeringStrait_2012_A4W_ICsbe37_5472.ppp 5508 BeringStrait_2012_A4W_ICsbe37_5472raw.asc 880 BeringStrait_2012_A3_ICLog22_7622.pre 364 BeringStrait_2012_A4_ICLog27_5430.pre = RCM data from 2 RCMs 2011: - 2 .pre files, data calibrated with pre-cruise calibrations 912 BeringStrait_2011_A5_rcm9_1173.pre 776 BeringStrait_2011_D1_rcm9_636.pre 2012: - no files = SBE16 data from 6 SBE16s (no optics) 2011: - 4 .ppp files, combining pre and post cruise calibrations - 4 .hex files, raw downloads from the SBE16 2012: - 2 .ppp files, combining pre and post cruise calibrations - 2 .hex files, raw downloads from the SBE16 See also con file directory 732 BeringStrait_2011_A2W_sbe16_1224.ppp 176 BeringStrait_2011_A2W_sbe16_1224raw.hex 732 BeringStrait_2011_A4W_sbe16_1698.ppp 176 BeringStrait_2011_A4W_sbe16_1698raw.hex 728 BeringStrait_2011_A4_sbe16_1700.ppp 176 BeringStrait_2011_A4_sbe16_1700raw.hex 732 BeringStrait_2011_A5_sbe16_0005.ppp 176 BeringStrait_2011_A5_sbe16_0005raw.hex 716 BeringStrait_2012_A2W_sbe16_1935.ppp 172 BeringStrait_2012_A2W_sbe16_1935raw.hex 716 BeringStrait_2012_A4W_sbe16_2341.ppp 172 BeringStrait_2012_A4W_sbe16_2341raw.hex = SBE16opt data from 6 SBE16plus with optics (although optics data are not in the calibrated data). 2011: - 1 .pre file, using pre cruise calibrations - 2 .hex files, raw downloads from the SBE16plus (A311_4639 .pre file not included as better TS data available from other instruments on the mooring) 2012: - 1 .pre file, using pre cruise calibrations - 2 .hex files, raw downloads from the SBE16plus (A312_1559 .pre file not included as better TS data available from other instruments on the mooring) See also con file directory 728 BeringStrait_2011_A2_sbe16opt_4604.pre 344 BeringStrait_2011_A2_sbe16opt_4604raw.hex 368 BeringStrait_2011_A3_sbe16opt_4639rawSILTED.hex 716 BeringStrait_2012_A2_sbe16opt_4973.pre 408 BeringStrait_2012_A2_sbe16opt_4973raw.hex 188 BeringStrait_2012_A3_sbe16opt_1559rawHORIZONTAL.hex = SBE37 data from 6 instruments 2011: - 3 .pre files, data calibrated with pre-cruise calibrations - 4 .asc files, raw data as downloaded from SBE37 (A311_7156 .pre file not included as better TS data available from other instruments on the mooring) 2012: - 1 .pre files, data calibrated with pre-cruise calibrations - 2 .asc files, raw data as downloaded from SBE37 (A312_2316 .pre file not included as better TS data available from other instruments on the mooring) 2932 BeringStrait_2011_A2E_sbe37_5826.pre 2136 BeringStrait_2011_A2E_sbe37_5826raw.asc 2932 BeringStrait_2011_A3_sbe37_5361.pre 1792 BeringStrait_2011_A3_sbe37_5361raw.asc 264 BeringStrait_2011_A3_sbe37_7156rawSILTED.cnv 2940 BeringStrait_2011_D1_sbe37_4510.pre 1800 BeringStrait_2011_D1_sbe37_4510raw.asc 1448 BeringStrait_2012_A3_sbe37_1430.pre 876 BeringStrait_2012_A3_sbe37_1430raw.asc 432 BeringStrait_2012_A3_sbe37_2316rawSILTED.asc = SBE26plus BPG data from 5 instruments 2011: - 2 .ppp files, data calibrated with pre and post calibrations - 2 .hex files, raw data as downloaded from SBE26plus 2012: - 3 .ppp files, data calibrated with pre and post calibrations - 3 .hex files, raw data as downloaded from SBE26plus 1228 BeringStrait_2011_A2W_sbe26p_1135.ppp 10844 BeringStrait_2011_A2W_sbe26p_1135raw.hex 1244 BeringStrait_2011_A4_sbe26p_1134.ppp 10828 BeringStrait_2011_A4_sbe26p_1134raw.hex 1208 BeringStrait_2012_A2W_sbe26p_1175.ppp 10652 BeringStrait_2012_A2W_sbe26p_1175raw.hex 1192 BeringStrait_2012_A3_sbe26p_1134.ppp 10536 BeringStrait_2012_A3_sbe26p_1134raw.hex 924 BeringStrait_2012_A4_sbe26p_1333.ppp 8128 BeringStrait_2012_A4_sbe26p_1333raw.hex .. and the 13 subdirectories: One subdirectory of SBE .con calibration files ./BeringStrait_20112012_SBEconfiles: - 25 calibration files for SBEs 8 SBE16plus_4604.con 8 SBE16plus_4639.con 8 sbe16_0005D10pre.con 8 sbe16_0005D13pos.con 8 sbe16_1224D10pre.con 8 sbe16_1224D12pos.con 8 sbe16_1698D10pre.con 8 sbe16_1698D12pos.con 8 sbe16_1700D10pre.con 8 sbe16_1700D12pos.con 8 sbe16_1935posOct13.con 8 sbe16_1935preJul10.con 8 sbe16_2341posOct13.con 8 sbe16_2341preNov2011.con 8 sbe16opt_1559o5.con 8 sbe16opt_1559o5rw.con 8 sbe16opt_4604D09.con 8 sbe16opt_4604D10.con 8 sbe16opt_4604Sept06.con 8 sbe16opt_4639D09.con 8 sbe16opt_4639D11.con 8 sbe16opt_4973.con 8 sbe16opt_4973o06rw.con 8 sbe16opt_4973prew3VDec11.con 8 sbe16opt_4973rw.con and 11 subdirectories for ADCPs, viz: ./BeringStrait_2011_A2E_adcp7967 ./BeringStrait_2011_A2W_adcp9396 ./BeringStrait_2011_A2_adcp2332 ./BeringStrait_2011_A3_adcp7695 ./BeringStrait_2011_A4W_adcp13756raw - raw data file only, as ran for only 4 days ./BeringStrait_2011_A4_adcp9397 ./BeringStrait_2012_A2W_adcp12845 ./BeringStrait_2012_A2_adcp1495 ./BeringStrait_2012_A3_adcp10637 ./BeringStrait_2012_A4W_adcp10926 ./BeringStrait_2012_A4_adcp2269part1 - first part of deployment, with original settings ./BeringStrait_2012_A4_adcp2269part2 - second part of deployment, with factory settings as per read me above. Contents of each ADCP directory: ./BeringStrait_2011_A2E_adcp7967: 4040 BeringStrait_2011_A2E_07967.btm 2084 BeringStrait_2011_A2E_07967.ins 28 BeringStrait_2011_A2E_07967_ADCPdeploytests.txt 11680 BeringStrait_2011_A2E_07967_ADCPraw.000 16 BeringStrait_2011_A2E_07967_ADCPrecoverytests.txt 3044 BeringStrait_2011_A2E_07967_bin01.rdat 3044 BeringStrait_2011_A2E_07967_bin02.rdat 3044 BeringStrait_2011_A2E_07967_bin03.rdat 3044 BeringStrait_2011_A2E_07967_bin04.rdat 3044 BeringStrait_2011_A2E_07967_bin05.rdat 3044 BeringStrait_2011_A2E_07967_bin06.rdat 3044 BeringStrait_2011_A2E_07967_bin07.rdat 3044 BeringStrait_2011_A2E_07967_bin08.rdat 3044 BeringStrait_2011_A2E_07967_bin09.rdat 3044 BeringStrait_2011_A2E_07967_bin10.rdat 3044 BeringStrait_2011_A2E_07967_bin11.rdat 3044 BeringStrait_2011_A2E_07967_bin12.rdat 3044 BeringStrait_2011_A2E_07967_bin13.rdat 3044 BeringStrait_2011_A2E_07967_bin14.rdat 3044 BeringStrait_2011_A2E_07967_bin15.rdat 3044 BeringStrait_2011_A2E_07967_bin16.rdat 3044 BeringStrait_2011_A2E_07967_bin17.rdat 3044 BeringStrait_2011_A2E_07967_bin18.rdat 3044 BeringStrait_2011_A2E_07967_bin19.rdat 3044 BeringStrait_2011_A2E_07967_bin20.rdat 3044 BeringStrait_2011_A2E_07967_bin21.rdat 3044 BeringStrait_2011_A2E_07967_bin22.rdat ./BeringStrait_2011_A2W_adcp9396: 4052 BeringStrait_2011_A2W_09396.btm 2092 BeringStrait_2011_A2W_09396.ins 24 BeringStrait_2011_A2W_09396_ADCPdeploytests.txt 11716 BeringStrait_2011_A2W_09396_ADCPraw.000 20 BeringStrait_2011_A2W_09396_ADCPrecoverytests.txt 3056 BeringStrait_2011_A2W_09396_bin01.rdat 3056 BeringStrait_2011_A2W_09396_bin02.rdat 3056 BeringStrait_2011_A2W_09396_bin03.rdat 3056 BeringStrait_2011_A2W_09396_bin04.rdat 3056 BeringStrait_2011_A2W_09396_bin05.rdat 3056 BeringStrait_2011_A2W_09396_bin06.rdat 3056 BeringStrait_2011_A2W_09396_bin07.rdat 3056 BeringStrait_2011_A2W_09396_bin08.rdat 3056 BeringStrait_2011_A2W_09396_bin09.rdat 3056 BeringStrait_2011_A2W_09396_bin10.rdat 3056 BeringStrait_2011_A2W_09396_bin11.rdat 3056 BeringStrait_2011_A2W_09396_bin12.rdat 3056 BeringStrait_2011_A2W_09396_bin13.rdat 3056 BeringStrait_2011_A2W_09396_bin14.rdat 3056 BeringStrait_2011_A2W_09396_bin15.rdat 3056 BeringStrait_2011_A2W_09396_bin16.rdat 3056 BeringStrait_2011_A2W_09396_bin17.rdat 3056 BeringStrait_2011_A2W_09396_bin18.rdat 3056 BeringStrait_2011_A2W_09396_bin19.rdat 3056 BeringStrait_2011_A2W_09396_bin20.rdat 3056 BeringStrait_2011_A2W_09396_bin21.rdat 3056 BeringStrait_2011_A2W_09396_bin22.rdat ./BeringStrait_2011_A2_adcp2332: 4060 BeringStrait_2011_A2_02332.btm 2096 BeringStrait_2011_A2_02332.ins 20 BeringStrait_2011_A2_02332_ADCPdeploytests.txt 11740 BeringStrait_2011_A2_02332_ADCPraw.000 16 BeringStrait_2011_A2_02332_ADCPrecoverytests.txt 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A2_02332_bin01.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A2_02332_bin02.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A2_02332_bin03.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A2_02332_bin04.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A2_02332_bin05.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A2_02332_bin06.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A2_02332_bin07.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A2_02332_bin08.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A2_02332_bin09.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A2_02332_bin10.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A2_02332_bin11.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A2_02332_bin12.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A2_02332_bin13.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A2_02332_bin14.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A2_02332_bin15.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A2_02332_bin16.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A2_02332_bin17.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A2_02332_bin18.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A2_02332_bin19.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A2_02332_bin20.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A2_02332_bin21.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A2_02332_bin22.rdat ./BeringStrait_2011_A3_adcp7695: 4060 BeringStrait_2011_A3_07695.btm 2096 BeringStrait_2011_A3_07695.ins 28 BeringStrait_2011_A3_07695_ADCPdeploytests.txt 11740 BeringStrait_2011_A3_07695_ADCPraw.000 16 BeringStrait_2011_A3_07695_ADCPrecoverytests.txt 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A3_07695_bin01.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A3_07695_bin02.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A3_07695_bin03.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A3_07695_bin04.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A3_07695_bin05.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A3_07695_bin06.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A3_07695_bin07.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A3_07695_bin08.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A3_07695_bin09.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A3_07695_bin10.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A3_07695_bin11.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A3_07695_bin12.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A3_07695_bin13.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A3_07695_bin14.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A3_07695_bin15.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A3_07695_bin16.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A3_07695_bin17.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A3_07695_bin18.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A3_07695_bin19.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A3_07695_bin20.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A3_07695_bin21.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A3_07695_bin22.rdat ./BeringStrait_2011_A4W_adcp13756raw: 20 BeringStrait_2011_A4W_13756_ADCPdeploytests.txt 200 BeringStrait_2011_A4W_13756_ADCPraw.000 ./BeringStrait_2011_A4_adcp9397: 4060 BeringStrait_2011_A4_09397.btm 2096 BeringStrait_2011_A4_09397.ins 24 BeringStrait_2011_A4_09397_ADCPdeploytests.txt 11744 BeringStrait_2011_A4_09397_ADCPraw.000 16 BeringStrait_2011_A4_09397_ADCPrecoverytests.txt 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A4_09397_bin01.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A4_09397_bin02.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A4_09397_bin03.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A4_09397_bin04.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A4_09397_bin05.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A4_09397_bin06.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A4_09397_bin07.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A4_09397_bin08.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A4_09397_bin09.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A4_09397_bin10.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A4_09397_bin11.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A4_09397_bin12.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A4_09397_bin13.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A4_09397_bin14.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A4_09397_bin15.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A4_09397_bin16.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A4_09397_bin17.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A4_09397_bin18.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A4_09397_bin19.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A4_09397_bin20.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A4_09397_bin21.rdat 3060 BeringStrait_2011_A4_09397_bin22.rdat ./BeringStrait_2012_A2W_adcp12845: 4000 BeringStrait_2012_A2W_12845.btm 2064 BeringStrait_2012_A2W_12845.ins 28 BeringStrait_2012_A2W_12845_ADCPdeploytests.txt 11560 BeringStrait_2012_A2W_12845_ADCPraw.000 28 BeringStrait_2012_A2W_12845_ADCPrecoverytests.txt 3016 BeringStrait_2012_A2W_12845_bin01.rdat 3016 BeringStrait_2012_A2W_12845_bin02.rdat 3016 BeringStrait_2012_A2W_12845_bin03.rdat 3016 BeringStrait_2012_A2W_12845_bin04.rdat 3016 BeringStrait_2012_A2W_12845_bin05.rdat 3016 BeringStrait_2012_A2W_12845_bin06.rdat 3016 BeringStrait_2012_A2W_12845_bin07.rdat 3016 BeringStrait_2012_A2W_12845_bin08.rdat 3016 BeringStrait_2012_A2W_12845_bin09.rdat 3016 BeringStrait_2012_A2W_12845_bin10.rdat 3016 BeringStrait_2012_A2W_12845_bin11.rdat 3016 BeringStrait_2012_A2W_12845_bin12.rdat 3016 BeringStrait_2012_A2W_12845_bin13.rdat 3016 BeringStrait_2012_A2W_12845_bin14.rdat 3016 BeringStrait_2012_A2W_12845_bin15.rdat 3016 BeringStrait_2012_A2W_12845_bin16.rdat 3016 BeringStrait_2012_A2W_12845_bin17.rdat 3016 BeringStrait_2012_A2W_12845_bin18.rdat 3016 BeringStrait_2012_A2W_12845_bin19.rdat 3016 BeringStrait_2012_A2W_12845_bin20.rdat 3016 BeringStrait_2012_A2W_12845_bin21.rdat 3016 BeringStrait_2012_A2W_12845_bin22.rdat ./BeringStrait_2012_A2_adcp1495: 3996 BeringStrait_2012_A2_01495.btm 2064 BeringStrait_2012_A2_01495.ins 28 BeringStrait_2012_A2_01495_ADCPdeploytests.txt 11464 BeringStrait_2012_A2_01495_ADCPraw.000 24 BeringStrait_2012_A2_01495_ADCPrecoverytests.txt 3012 BeringStrait_2012_A2_01495_bin01.rdat 3012 BeringStrait_2012_A2_01495_bin02.rdat 3012 BeringStrait_2012_A2_01495_bin03.rdat 3012 BeringStrait_2012_A2_01495_bin04.rdat 3012 BeringStrait_2012_A2_01495_bin05.rdat 3012 BeringStrait_2012_A2_01495_bin06.rdat 3012 BeringStrait_2012_A2_01495_bin07.rdat 3012 BeringStrait_2012_A2_01495_bin08.rdat 3012 BeringStrait_2012_A2_01495_bin09.rdat 3012 BeringStrait_2012_A2_01495_bin10.rdat 3012 BeringStrait_2012_A2_01495_bin11.rdat 3012 BeringStrait_2012_A2_01495_bin12.rdat 3012 BeringStrait_2012_A2_01495_bin13.rdat 3012 BeringStrait_2012_A2_01495_bin14.rdat 3012 BeringStrait_2012_A2_01495_bin15.rdat 3012 BeringStrait_2012_A2_01495_bin16.rdat 3012 BeringStrait_2012_A2_01495_bin17.rdat 3012 BeringStrait_2012_A2_01495_bin18.rdat 3012 BeringStrait_2012_A2_01495_bin19.rdat 3012 BeringStrait_2012_A2_01495_bin20.rdat 3012 BeringStrait_2012_A2_01495_bin21.rdat 3012 BeringStrait_2012_A2_01495_bin22.rdat ./BeringStrait_2012_A3_adcp10637: 3944 BeringStrait_2012_A3_10637.btm 2036 BeringStrait_2012_A3_10637.ins 24 BeringStrait_2012_A3_10637_ADCPdeploytests.txt 11404 BeringStrait_2012_A3_10637_ADCPraw.000 28 BeringStrait_2012_A3_10637_ADCPrecoverytests.txt 2972 BeringStrait_2012_A3_10637_bin01.rdat 2972 BeringStrait_2012_A3_10637_bin02.rdat 2972 BeringStrait_2012_A3_10637_bin03.rdat 2972 BeringStrait_2012_A3_10637_bin04.rdat 2972 BeringStrait_2012_A3_10637_bin05.rdat 2972 BeringStrait_2012_A3_10637_bin06.rdat 2972 BeringStrait_2012_A3_10637_bin07.rdat 2972 BeringStrait_2012_A3_10637_bin08.rdat 2972 BeringStrait_2012_A3_10637_bin09.rdat 2972 BeringStrait_2012_A3_10637_bin10.rdat 2972 BeringStrait_2012_A3_10637_bin11.rdat 2972 BeringStrait_2012_A3_10637_bin12.rdat 2972 BeringStrait_2012_A3_10637_bin13.rdat 2972 BeringStrait_2012_A3_10637_bin14.rdat 2972 BeringStrait_2012_A3_10637_bin15.rdat 2972 BeringStrait_2012_A3_10637_bin16.rdat 2972 BeringStrait_2012_A3_10637_bin17.rdat 2972 BeringStrait_2012_A3_10637_bin18.rdat 2972 BeringStrait_2012_A3_10637_bin19.rdat 2972 BeringStrait_2012_A3_10637_bin20.rdat 2972 BeringStrait_2012_A3_10637_bin21.rdat 2972 BeringStrait_2012_A3_10637_bin22.rdat ./BeringStrait_2012_A4W_adcp10926: 4000 BeringStrait_2012_A4W_10926.btm 2064 BeringStrait_2012_A4W_10926.ins 24 BeringStrait_2012_A4W_10926_ADCPdeploytests.txt 11564 BeringStrait_2012_A4W_10926_ADCPraw.000 28 BeringStrait_2012_A4W_10926_ADCPrecoverytests.txt 3016 BeringStrait_2012_A4W_10926_bin01.rdat 3016 BeringStrait_2012_A4W_10926_bin02.rdat 3016 BeringStrait_2012_A4W_10926_bin03.rdat 3016 BeringStrait_2012_A4W_10926_bin04.rdat 3016 BeringStrait_2012_A4W_10926_bin05.rdat 3016 BeringStrait_2012_A4W_10926_bin06.rdat 3016 BeringStrait_2012_A4W_10926_bin07.rdat 3016 BeringStrait_2012_A4W_10926_bin08.rdat 3016 BeringStrait_2012_A4W_10926_bin09.rdat 3016 BeringStrait_2012_A4W_10926_bin10.rdat 3016 BeringStrait_2012_A4W_10926_bin11.rdat 3016 BeringStrait_2012_A4W_10926_bin12.rdat 3016 BeringStrait_2012_A4W_10926_bin13.rdat 3016 BeringStrait_2012_A4W_10926_bin14.rdat 3016 BeringStrait_2012_A4W_10926_bin15.rdat 3016 BeringStrait_2012_A4W_10926_bin16.rdat 3016 BeringStrait_2012_A4W_10926_bin17.rdat 3016 BeringStrait_2012_A4W_10926_bin18.rdat 3016 BeringStrait_2012_A4W_10926_bin19.rdat 3016 BeringStrait_2012_A4W_10926_bin20.rdat 3016 BeringStrait_2012_A4W_10926_bin21.rdat 3016 BeringStrait_2012_A4W_10926_bin22.rdat ./BeringStrait_2012_A4_adcp2269part1: 1500 BeringStrait_2012_A4_02269.btm 776 BeringStrait_2012_A4_02269.ins 20 BeringStrait_2012_A4_02269_ADCPdeploytests.txt 4320 BeringStrait_2012_A4_02269_ADCPrawpart1.000 1132 BeringStrait_2012_A4_02269_bin01.rdat 1132 BeringStrait_2012_A4_02269_bin02.rdat 1132 BeringStrait_2012_A4_02269_bin03.rdat 1132 BeringStrait_2012_A4_02269_bin04.rdat 1132 BeringStrait_2012_A4_02269_bin05.rdat 1132 BeringStrait_2012_A4_02269_bin06.rdat 1132 BeringStrait_2012_A4_02269_bin07.rdat 1132 BeringStrait_2012_A4_02269_bin08.rdat 1132 BeringStrait_2012_A4_02269_bin09.rdat 1132 BeringStrait_2012_A4_02269_bin10.rdat 1132 BeringStrait_2012_A4_02269_bin11.rdat 1132 BeringStrait_2012_A4_02269_bin12.rdat 1132 BeringStrait_2012_A4_02269_bin13.rdat 1132 BeringStrait_2012_A4_02269_bin14.rdat 1132 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