Documentation on Superegional PIOMAS Model Output Regridded to Northern Hemispher 25km EASE Grid General Documentation on model, variable names etc: Output Files: .H.gz Varname: ICEVEL : Ice Velocity (u,v) HEFF : Ice Thickness OSALI1 : Ocean Surface Salinity U02 : Ocean Velocity (u,v) at 15 m depth YYYY: 1978-2004 Format: Files are written as unformmated binary files, as 4-byte floatint point numbers and compressed uing gzip. Files are written on a Intel System (Little Endian byte order). On Big Endian Systems (Sun,HP, Mac, SGI) byte swapping will be necessary. Scalar Varariables: (HEFF, OSAL1) ; Idl code fragment to read ; Missing values are set to -99999. nx=721 ny=721 heff=fltarr(721,721,12) ; subscripts [x,y,month] ; IDL has fortran style memory squence, first subscript contiguous ; memory infile='HEFF.H2004.e25.dat.gz' openr,lun,infile,/get_lun,/compress readu,lun,data free_lun,lun ; infile=indir+'ICEVEL.H2004.e25.dat.gz' openr,lun,infile,/get_lun,/compress ; IDL lets you open gzipped files, if functionality ; not available, uncompress with gunzip. vdata=fltarr(721,721,2,12) readu,lun,vdata free_lun,lun ugrid=vdata[*,*,0,*] vgrid=vdata[*,*,1,*]