Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) --
FAQs have been organized into the following categories:
Manufacturing questions (this page) |
General instrument questions
General oceanographic questions
Recommended practices
I am confused by all these software names. Which software does what?
Can I install my Sea-Bird CD-ROM on multiple computers or give it to
another interested scientist?
How can I copy the setup of my
Sea-Bird software onto another computer?
How can I view CTD data?
What is a configuration (.con) file and how is it used?
What is a .psa file and how is it used?
What is a .cfg file and how is it used?
Does SEASOFT have a provision for converting to MatLab data files?
Can I use SEASOFT on a Macintosh, Unix, or Linux system?
Is the Windows version of SEASOFT
compatible with Microsoft's Vista operating system?
Can I use SEASOFT-DOS on a computer with Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP
operating system?
Your website Download Software from FTP Site page defines
the latest
software revision, but I cannot find the latest revision on the FTP site. Is it not
posted yet?
Why am I having trouble downloading software from your FTP site?
What is the flag variable column that is added to
the data file by SBE Data Processing's Data
Conversion or ASCII In module?
How does Sea-Bird software calculate conductivity, temperature, and
pressure in engineering units?
How does Sea-Bird software calculate derived variables such as salinity,
sound velocity, density, depth, thermosteric anomaly, specific volume,
potential temperature, etc.?
What formula does Sea-Bird software use to convert pressure data to
In Sea-Bird software, is noon on January 1 Julian Day 0.5 or Julian Day
Can I edit my .dat data file to add some explanatory notes to header?
Can I edit my .hex data file to add some explanatory notes to header?
Why am I getting a class not
registered error when running SBE Data Processing?
Data analysis and processing
Why and how should I align data
from a 911plus CTD?
What are the typical data processing steps recommended for each
Where can I find formulas for calculating conductivity, temperature,
pressure, and derived parameters such as salinity, sound velocity,
density, depth, thermosteric anomaly, specific volume, potential
temperature, etc.?
Our Glossary page is
another good source of information.
We pressure test each Sea-Bird instrument to the smaller
The housing
depth rating, or
(if pressure sensor installed) The maximum rating of the
pressure sensor
Note: Sea-Bird does not pressure test auxiliary
sensors supplied by Third Party Manufacturers that are to be integrated with
Sea-Bird instruments.
Your entire system is assembled and tested prior to leaving
our facility, with software configured to your specific setup. All Sea-Bird
manufactured instruments/sensors are calibrated in-house. Sensors from third
party manufacturers are calibrated by their manufacturers prior to integration
with the CTD system.
Sea-Bird instruments do not
have CE certification. We occasionally are asked this question by customers in
the EU. It is our understanding that there are a number of classes of products
that are excluded from the EU requirement for CE certification; underwater
sensors and equipment are among the types of products that do not require CE
certification for use in the EU. We continue to sell our instruments to numerous
companies and organizations in the EU without any problems.
Sea-Bird instruments do not
have ISO certification. ISO certification does not certify that a manufacturer
is producing a high quality product; it merely certifies that a company has a
quality control plan that complies with the quality control models adopted by
the ISO organization. This does not mean that other quality control systems are
inferior. Sea-Bird has intentionally not become ISO-certified, because the ISO
quality control model interferes with our own and would make it much harder,
slower, and more expensive to remain at the leading edge of oceanographic
instrument technology and serve the best interests of ocean scientists.
Last modified:
06 Apr 2007
Sea-Bird Home Phone: 425-643-9866
Fax: 425-643-9954 E-mail: