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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) --

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FAQs have been organized into the following categories:

bullet Manufacturing questions (this page)
bullet General instrument questions
bullet General oceanographic questions
bullet Recommended practices
bullet Service
bullet Ordering
bullet Software
bullet Data analysis and processing

Our Glossary page is another good source of information.


Does Sea-Bird pressure test each instrument before shipping to verify integrity of housing, o-rings, assembly, etc.?

We pressure test each Sea-Bird instrument to the smaller of:

Note: Sea-Bird does not pressure test auxiliary sensors supplied by Third Party Manufacturers that are to be integrated with Sea-Bird instruments.


Does Sea-Bird check and calibrate all sensors on a CTD system prior to shipping?

Your entire system is assembled and tested prior to leaving our facility, with software configured to your specific setup. All Sea-Bird manufactured instruments/sensors are calibrated in-house. Sensors from third party manufacturers are calibrated by their manufacturers prior to integration with the CTD system.


Do Sea-Bird instruments have CE certification?

Sea-Bird instruments do not have CE certification. We occasionally are asked this question by customers in the EU. It is our understanding that there are a number of classes of products that are excluded from the EU requirement for CE certification; underwater sensors and equipment are among the types of products that do not require CE certification for use in the EU. We continue to sell our instruments to numerous companies and organizations in the EU without any problems.


Do Sea-Bird instruments have ISO certification?

Sea-Bird instruments do not have ISO certification. ISO certification does not certify that a manufacturer is producing a high quality product; it merely certifies that a company has a quality control plan that complies with the quality control models adopted by the ISO organization. This does not mean that other quality control systems are inferior. Sea-Bird has intentionally not become ISO-certified, because the ISO quality control model interferes with our own and would make it much harder, slower, and more expensive to remain at the leading edge of oceanographic instrument technology and serve the best interests of ocean scientists.


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Last modified: 06 Apr 2007

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