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Download Sea-Bird Website for Cruise Reference

Go to FTP Site

Download the entire Sea-Bird website from our FTP site. The file is located in the Website folder, and is named:

where mm-dd-yy = month-day-year that file was created

Unzip (decompress) the file onto a local computer or disk, for reference on your next cruise! Once unzipped, simply click on index.htm to access our home page.

The website .zip file is typically updated every month. Watch for ZIP update announcements on the Web Updates page, or go to the FTP Site Information page to check for the latest version.


  1. When on the FTP site, select Reload (Netscape) or Refresh (Internet Explorer) to load the latest information from the server.
  2. The Website zip file does not include Sea-Bird software. Download the desired software (also on the FTP site) separately. See Software Descriptions and Revisions for a brief description of each software package.

If you need help downloading, contact Sea-Bird ( or 425-643-9866).

[HRule Image]

Last modified: 06-Apr-2007

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