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Other news:

Sea-Bird field trip to the SEA Education Association ship, Robert C. Seamans.


Listed below are issues of our New Products & Services Summary (in .pdf format):

April 2006

SBE 39-IM Temperature (optional Pressure) Recorder added to Inductive Modem Product Line
New SBE 52-MP Moored Profiler CTD & Optional Dissolved Oxygen Sensor
New SBE 53 BPR Bottom Pressure Recorder
New SBE 54 Tsunami Pressure Sensor
SEASAVE V7 Real-Time Data Acquisition Software -- Beta release

December 2004

New Options for SBE 39 Temperature (optional Pressure) Recorder
New Options and Features for SBE 26plus SEAGAUGE Wave and Tide Recorder
SBE 49 FastCAT Real-Time Processing Provides Better Data for ROV/AUV Applications
Retirement of Ken Lawson, President of Sea-Bird

June 2004

Next Generation SEAGAUGE -- SBE 26plus Wave and Tide Recorder
Addition to MicroCAT C-T Family (37-SIP)
New Nickel Metal Hydride Battery Pack and Charger
Electro Chem Lithium Batteries

August 2003

Additions to MicroCAT Family (37-SMP and 37-IMP)
Accurate Control of SBE 32 Carousel Water Sampler without a CTD
Sea-Bird Manufacturing AF24173 Anti-Foulant Devices
Retrofit for Mounting of SBE 19plus SEACAT in Optional Cage
Servicing SBE 13B and 23B Beckman DO Sensors
Release of Complete SEASOFT for Waves-Win32 Suite
Updates to SEASAVE and SBE Data Processing

August 2002

New SBE 50 Pressure Sensor
Enhanced Capabilities for SBE 45 MicroTSG
Updates to SEASOFT-Win32
SEASOFT for Waves - Win32

September 2001
New SBE 49 FastCAT
New SBE 43 Dissolved Oxygen Sensor
New SBE 16plus and 19plus SEACATs
Updates to SEASOFT-Win32


Listed below are back issues of The Sea-Bird Journal:

August 1995
Innovative Calibration System Yields Unprecedented Accuracy
October 1993

Sea-Bird Introduces New Water Sampler
911plus Makes World's Deepest CTD Cast

August 1992

Customers Pleased With 911plus CTD
A Quick Look At The TC Duct

March 1992

Sea-Bird Wins CTD Test By IFM-Kiel
SEACAT Number 1,000 Delivered To Miami

November 1991

Sea-Bird Performs Best In BIO Test
Sea-Bird Sales Still Soaring
IFM Kiel Will Test 9/11 CTD In January 1992

[HRule Image]

Last modified: 06-Apr-2007

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