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Website Feedback Form

Thank you for your interest in sending Sea-Bird your feedback -- we value your input. With your help, Sea-Bird can build the most informative and useful website. Please let us know how we are doing and what we need to improve.

Please use this form only to provide website feedback.


Please provide the following information:

Contact Information:

Street Address
Address (cont.)
Zip/Postal Code
Work Phone

How easy is it for you to access the website?
Easy, site comes up quickly  
Difficult, site takes too long to load  
Do not have regular access to an internet connection

How easy is it for you to download Adobe pdf files from the website?
Easy  Average  Difficult  Never tried it

How easy is it for you to download software from the ftp site?
Easy  Average  Difficult  Never tried it

If you have difficulty accessing the website or downloading files from the website or ftp site, please provide information on your system (computer RAM, internet browser type and version, modem baud rate, etc.):

How often do you use the website?
Monthly  Weekly  Daily  Seldom

How easy is it to find what you are looking for on the website?
Easy to find  Average  Difficult to find

What additional topics/information would you like Sea-Bird to include on the website?

Other comments/suggestions:

Sea-Bird will respond to each Website Feedback Form. How should we contact you?
Fax  Phone  E-mail


[HRule Image]

Last modified: April 06, 2007

Sea-Bird Home     Phone: 425-643-9866     Fax: 425-643-9954     E-mail: