Application note in pdf format
This application note applies to the SBE 18 pH sensor, SBE 27 pH/ORP (Redox) sensor, SBE 30 DO/pH/ORP sensor, and AMT Analysenmesstechnik GmBh pH sensor.
Sea-Bird software calculates pH as:
pH = 7 + (Vout - offset) / (1.98416 x 10 -4 x T * slope) (see Appendix for derivation of equation)
T = temperature (ºK)
Vout = output voltage from pH sensor (0 - 5 volts)
Offset and slope = calibration coefficients, determined by a least-squares fit of voltage and pH in a series of buffer solutions, using the measured temperature of the buffer solutions; coefficients are calculated using PHFIT software
Sea-Bird includes a calibration sheet with the shipment. The calibration sheet provides values for offset and slope, which have been input by Sea-Bird in the configuration (.con) file.
Note: If you purchase an AMT sensor as a separate item, not integrated
with a Sea-Bird CTD, Sea-Bird provides only the calibration sheet from AMT. This
calibration sheet calculates pH as:
pH = a + bV
where a and b are calculated by AMT using a least-squares fit of voltage and pH
in a series of buffer solutions. If you will be integrating the AMT sensor with
a Sea-Bird CTD, use the voltage and pH values from AMT’s calibration sheet
(and 25 ºC for the temperature) to generate the offset and slope as described
below in User Recalibration.
Sea-Bird provides PHFIT software for our customers to use when calibrating their pH sensors. PHFIT is part of the SEASOFT-DOS software package; the latest version of the software is available for download. SEASOFT-DOS runs on an IBM PC/XT/AT computer or compatible, and usually performs correctly when run under Windows.
When needed, recalibrate the pH sensor as follows:
- Once you have installed SEASOFT-DOS, type PHFIT.
- At the prompt, enter the sensor serial number and the temperature (in ºC) of the buffer solutions.
- At the prompt, enter the pH and output voltage (Vout) for up to 25 buffer solutions. When you have finished, the program outputs the offset and slope, along with the residuals.
- Once you have installed SBE Data Processing, click on SBEDataProce.exe.
- In the Configure menu, select the applicable CTD.
- In the dialog box, click Open and select the applicable .con file for the CTD.
- In the sensor list, double click on the pH sensor.
- Enter the new offset and slope in the dialog box and click OK.
- Click Save or Save As to save the changed .con file.
Vout = offset + [ slope * (R * T / F) * ln (10) * (pH - 7) ]
R = gas constant = 8.31434
F = Faraday constant = 9.64867 x 10 +4
T = temperature (ºK)
Vout = output voltage from pH sensor (0 - 5 volts)
Substituting for R, F, and ln (10):
Vout = offset + [ slope * 1.98416 x 10 -4 * T * (pH - 7) ]
pH = 7 + (Vout - offset) / (1.98416 x 10 -4 x T * slope)
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