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Using USB Ports to Communicate with Sea-Bird Instruments
Revised November 2006

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Application note in pdf format

Most Sea-Bird instruments use the RS-232 protocol for transmitting setup commands to the instrument and receiving data from the instrument. However, many newer PCs and laptop computers have USB port(s) instead of RS-232 serial port(s).

USB serial adapters are available commercially. These adapters plug into the USB port, and allow one or more serial devices to be connected through the adapter. Sea-Bird tested USB serial adapters from three manufacturers on desktop computers at Sea-Bird, and verified compatibility with our instruments. These manufacturers and the tested adapters are:

Other USB adapters from these manufacturers, and adapters from other manufacturers, may also be compatible with Sea-Bird instruments.

We have one report from a customer that he could not communicate with his instrument using a notebook computer and the Keyspan adapter listed above. He was able to successfully communicate with the instrument using an XH8290 DSE Serial USB Adapter (

We recommend testing any adapters, including those listed above, with the instrument and the computer you will use it with before deployment, to verify that there is no problem.

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Last modified: 06 Apr 2007

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