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Oceanographic Equipment Leasing

Links to these sites are for your convenience. Sea-Bird is not responsible for their content.

Sea-Bird offers leases of 1 month and longer on our equipment, but does not lease third party sensors. The companies listed below lease oceanographic equipment, including some Sea-Bird equipment as well as some third party sensors, and may also be able to provide shorter term leases.

Leasing Company Note: Sea-Bird maintains the right to refuse or remove listings for any reason, and reserves the right to limit or edit descriptions to exclude advertising hyperbole, superlatives, etc. If you would like a short description under your company name, e-mail webmaster with text.

Ashtead Technology Ltd
Rental Specialists for Oceanographic, Survey, Inspection, and Instrumentation Equipment

Orders Associates Research Systems (OARS)
Oceanographic equipment leasing and mooring design

Evans-Hamilton, Inc.
Applied Oceanography and Marine Instrumentation

Land and Marine Geophysical, Hydrographic, and Oceanographic Equipment

Survey Equipment Services
Survey and Navigation Equipment: Hire, Sales, and Lease Purchase


Other Links:

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Last modified: 06-Apr-2007

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