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Send Data to Sea-Bird

Having problems operating your instrument and/or processing and interpreting the data? To provide assistance, we often need to look at the data file(s) and the instrument configuration (.con) file. You can copy these files to our Data ftp site as described below.

  1. Contact Sea-Bird to get the current password:
  1. Method 1: Using an FTP Utility program (such as FTP Pro), enter the following:

a. Name / IP Address / Host --
b. User ID -- seabirddata
c. Password -- enter the current password
d. The ftp site should appear. Follow instructions for your FTP Utility program to copy files to the ftp site.

  1. Method 2: Using Netscape 2.0 or later (Note: this does not work with Internet Explorer):

a. Go to
b. A password box will appear. Enter the current password.
c. The ftp site should appear.
d. In Netscape's File menu, select Upload File. The File Upload dialog box appears. Browse to the desired file, and click Open. The file should appear on the ftp site.

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Last modified: 06-Apr-2007

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