Application note in pdf format
This application note applies to the following current output Biospherical Instruments PAR light sensors:
* Note: Biospherical’s 2200 series includes other instruments which are not compatible with Sea-Bird CTDs. Only the 2200 (PD) sensors can be integrated with Sea-Bird CTDs.
These PAR sensors are compatible with the following Sea-Bird CTDs:
The current output of these sensors is measured through a log amplifier in your CTD (or through the PN 90310 Log Amp Module) to obtain adequate resolution over the measurement range. SEASOFT computes PAR using the following equation:
PAR = [multiplier * (109 * 10(V-B) / M) / calibration constant] + offset
Enter the following coefficients in the CTD configuration file:
M = slope of log amplifier (Note 2)
B = offset of log amplifier (Note 2)
calibration constant CS = 6.022 x 10 13 / CW (Note 3)
multiplier = 1.0 for output units of microEinsteins/m2.sec (Note 4)
offset = 0, typically (Note 5)
- Calibration sheet generated by Biospherical, which contains Biospherical’s calibration data.
- Calibration sheet generated by Sea-Bird, which incorporates the Biospherical data and generates M, B, and calibration constant CS needed for entry in Sea-Bird software (saving the user from doing the math).
CW = Biospherical wet calibration factor from Biospherical calibration sheet [(quanta/cm2.sec) / nAmp]
Output in water from Biospherical calibration sheet (quanta/cm2.sec) = CW * probe output (nAmp)
Output in water (quanta/cm2.sec) = CW * 10 9 * probe output (Amp)
I = probe output (Amp)
Output in water (quanta/cm2.sec) = CW * 10 9 * I
Output in water (quanta/m2.sec) = CW * 10 9 * I * 10 4 = CW * 10 13 * I
Output in water (μEinsteins/ m2.sec) = CW * 10 13
* I / 6.022 x 10 17
(see Application Note 11General for conversion
from quanta to μEinsteins)
SEASOFT calculates: Light (μEinsteins/ m2.sec) = I x 10 9
/ CS
where CS = calibration constant
Equating the Biospherical and SEASOFT relationships:
CW * 10 13 * I / 6.022 x 10 17 = I x 109
/ CS
CW / 6.022 x 10 13 = 1 / CS
CS = 6.022 x 10 13 / CW
CW = Biospherical wet calibration factor from Biospherical calibration sheet = 4.77 x 10 14 (quanta/cm2.sec) / nAmp
Calibration constant CS = 6.022 x 10 13 / CW = 6.022 x 10 13 / 4.77 x 10 14 = 0.126 (for entry into .con file)Notes:
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