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Instructions for use of SBE 14 Remote Depth Readout
Revised June 2003

Application note in pdf format

This Application Note describes the installation and use of the SBE 14 Remote Depth Readout, a large-format, 4-digit, liquid crystal display and sonic alarm in a weatherproof, plastic housing. The SBE 14 is intended for mounting at the CTD winch operator’s position, and is operated in one of the following modes:

Installation and setup for these modes differ significantly; see below for details.


     SBE 14 to computer: 32809
     SBE 14 to SBE 11plus V2: 32433
Top assembly: 40136
PCB assembly: 40100
Schematic: 30108

Installation, Setup, and Testing - SBE 14 Connected Directly to Computer


  1. Mount the SBE 14 where the winch operator can easily read the display.
  2. Wire the SBE 14 and SBE 11plus (original or V2) as follows:
  1. Using the 3-pin to DB-9 cable (drawing 32809), connect the SBE 14 to the computer RS-232 COM port.
  2. Connect the SBE 11plus (original or V2) to the computer -
  1. Connect SBE 11plus data to GPIB parallel port or RS-232 COM port.
  2. If applicable, connect SBE 11plus modem to RS-232 COM port.


The SBE 14 is set up in Sea-Bird’s SEASAVE software. SEASAVE is available in both a Windows and a DOS version. These setup instructions assume that you are running the Windows version.

  1. Select Remote Display in the Configure menu. The following dialog box appears:


The dialog box entries are:

Enter the desired settings and click OK to save the settings when done.

  1. Set up the SBE 14 alarms (see the figure for alarm operation details):

  1. Select Alarms/Remote Display Alarm in the Configure menu. The following dialog box appears:

The dialog box entries are:

Enter the desired settings and click OK to save the settings when done.

  1. Select Alarms/Altimeter Alarm in the Configure menu. (Note: Alarms/Altimeter Alarm will be grayed out if the CTD configuration does not include an altimeter. If desired, add the altimeter to the configuration .con file before proceeding). The following dialog box appears:

The dialog box entries are:

Enter the desired settings and click OK to save the settings when done.

  1. Change other configuration settings in the Configure menu, if desired.
  2. Select Save Seasave Configuration as in the File menu to save all configuration changes.


The SBE 14 can be tested by running SEASAVE using either a real-time connection to an SBE 911plus system, or with archived data.


Setup, Installation, and Testing - SBE 14 Connected to SBE 11plus V2


Sea-Bird’s terminal program is used to set up the SBE 11plus V2 to transmit data to the SBE 14. The terminal program is available in both a Windows (SEATERM) and a DOS (TERM11) version. These setup instructions assume that you are running SEATERM, the Windows version.

  1. Temporarily connect the SBE 11plus V2’s Remote Out port to a COM port on the computer, using the supplied test cable (PN 80114).
  2. Select SBE 11 Remote Out in the Configure menu. The following dialog box appears:

The dialog box entries are:

Enter the desired settings and click OK or Save As to save the settings when done.

  1. Turn on the power switch on the SBE 11plus V2.
  2. Click the Connect button on the Toolbar. SEATERM returns an S> prompt, showing that correct communications between the computer and the SBE 11plus V2 Remote Out port have been established.
  3. Send the following commands to set up the SBE 14 display and alarm parameters (see the figure for alarm operation details):

  1. Send other commands to configure the remote output, if desired.
  2. Disconnect the SBE 11plus V2’s Remote Out port from the computer COM port.


  1. Mount the SBE 14 where the winch operator can easily read the display.
  2. Wire the SBE 14 and SBE 11plus V2 as follows:
  1. Using the 3-pin to 5-pin cable (drawing 32433), connect the SBE 14 to the 5-pin Remote Out port on the SBE 11plus V2.
  2. Connect the SBE 11plus V2 to the computer -

(1) Connect SBE 11plus V2 data to GPIB parallel port or RS-232 COM port.

(2) If applicable, connect SBE 11plus V2 modem to RS-232 COM port.


The SBE 14 can be tested using either a real-time connection to an SBE 911plus system, or with archived data on tape.

[HRule Image]

Last modified: 06-Apr-2007

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