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Brooke Ocean Technology Load Latch

Brooke Ocean has developed a load latch for CTD work. The latch, integral with the overboarding sheave, latches onto a special disc bolted to the SBE 32 Carousel. The latch arms are spring loaded and automatically latch when hoisting. Limit switches interact with the hoist winch to stop hoisting. Releasing the load starts with raising the load up off of the latch arms, opening the latch arms, and lowering the SBE 32 Carousel. Small hydraulic cylinders are used to open the latch arms, and as a safety feature, provide only enough force to open them when there is no load applied.

The load latch can be fitted to a metering sheave as well, providing cable scope and speed information to the operator, via a remote display unit or within Sea-Bird's SEASAVE software. The load latch and sheave combination would be an easy retrofit to a existing CTD handling setup, as it would replace the existing sheave.

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Contact Brooke Ocean Technology Ltd. for more details.

[HRule Image]

Last modified: 06-Apr-2007

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