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Training Materials for Downloading

The handouts for our training class are available electronically, in Adobe Acrobat .pdf form.

Module Brief Description
TOC Table of Contents
0 Introduction:
Topics covered by course
Sea-Bird company history and organization
Introduction to ocean profiling; oceanographic terms and parameters
1 Introduction to Profiling Equipment:
Real-time and internally-recorded profiling (SBE 911plus, 19, 19plus, 25, 49)
Real-time profiling with internally recording instruments
Modular sensors
Water sampling equipment
Autonomous profiling
2 Setup and Acquiring Data:
SEATERM user interface (terminal program)
SEASAVE real-time data acquisition program
Internally recording instruments and real-time applications
3 Basic Data Processing:
Data processing flow chart
SBE Data Processing program
Conversion to scientific units (Data Conversion)
Bin Averaging (Bin Average)
Data display (Sea Plot)
Batch processing
4 Water Sampling and Deployment:
Water sampling components and maintenance
Water sampling with internally recording instruments
Water sampling in real-time with internally recording instruments
SeatermAF user interface (terminal program)
Deployment issues -- grounding, plumbing, connections, etc.
Data Conversion and Bottle Summary: Correlating CTD data with water samples
5 Miscellaneous Applications and Troubleshooting:
Fresh water applications
Sound velocity calculations
Adding navigational data, surface PAR; adding 9600 baud data channel to 911plus
Thermosalinographs: SBE 21 and 45
Troubleshooting -- real-time and internally recording systems, water samplers, deployment problems, data problems, NMEA problems
6 Making Measurements in the Ocean:
Sampling theory; sampling and profiling rates
How sensors work; sensor response times
Coordinating measurements in time and space
Calibration -- converting sensor output to scientific units
7 Getting the Highest Accuracy Data:
Care and drift of temperature, conductivity, pressure, dissolved oxygen, and pH sensors
Using calibrations to improve data
8 Getting the Highest Accuracy Data, Continued:
Field calibrations: pressure, temperature, conductivity, and dissolved oxygen
Discrete sampling
9 Advanced Data Processing:
SBE 9plus / 11plus
SBE 19plus
Acquiring and converting data
Filtering conductivity
Aligning data
Compensating for conductivity cell thermal mass
Filtering pressure for digitization effects
Removing data artifacts induced by ship heave
Data processing tips
Ancillary data processing
10 Moored Instruments:
SBE 16, 16plus, 37, and 39
Memory capacity and battery endurance
Inductive modem telemetry and instruments
11 Setup of Moored Instruments:
Resolution and sampling theory
SEATERM user interface (terminal program)
Status reports, headers, and data formats
Converting sensor output to scientific units
Preparing for deployment
12 Getting the Highest Accuracy Data from Moored Instruments:
Care of sensors in the field: temperature, conductivity, and dissolved oxygen
Conductivity positive drift
Correcting data with pre- and post-deployment calibrations
Correcting data by comparing to profiling data
13 Wave and Tide Instruments -- Theory and Setup:
SBE 26 and 26plus; measuring tides and waves
Deployment planning
Setting up the SBE 26 and 26plus
Measurement sequence
Adding conductivity
Deployment and recovery
14 Wave and Tide Instruments -- Data Processing:
Separating data into wave data and tide data
Processing wave measurements
Tabulating wave data
Removing barometric pressure
Graphing wave and tide data

Last modified: 06-Apr-2007

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